BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes

BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc: The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has imposed a penalty payment on a two current and one former member of Company’s Board of Directors


BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc | Company Release | January 31, 2025 at 16:30:00 EET

BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc: The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has imposed a penalty payment on a two current and one former member of Company’s Board of Directors

The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (the "FIN-FSA") has imposed a penalty payment of EUR 4,000 on Pekka Jalovaara and EUR 5,000 on Jarmo Halonen, current members of BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitute’s Board of Directors, and payment of EUR 9,000 on Ahti Paananen, a former member of BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitute’s Board of Directors, for discharging managerial responsibilities for the late notifications of transactions in BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitute’s shares made in their own account.

The decision of the FIN-FSA is not yet legally binding and can be appealed by the individuals.

Datum 2025-01-31, kl 15:30
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