BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes

BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc has resolved on a share issue without consideration to the company itself


BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc | Company Release | October 23, 2024 at 08:30:00 EEST

BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc has resolved on a share issue without consideration to the company itself

BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc's Board of Directors has decided to issue 770,000 shares without consideration to the company itself, for potential loan conversions as well as for other possible purposes, in accordance with authorisation from the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on June 13, 2024.

After the directed share issue, the Company holds 770,000 treasury shares, representing approximately 2.9 percent of the total shares, after the new shares have been registered in the trade register.

Datum 2024-10-23, kl 07:30
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