Avanza’s incoming CEO has acquired shares and warrants in Avanza

Knut Frängsmyr, incoming CEO of Avanza, has acquired 16,000 shares and 275,000 warrants in Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ).

On 7 September, Knut subscribed for 75,000 warrants in Avanza’s existing warrant programme 2023/2026, according to the terms resolved by the Annual General Meeting 2021. The warrants were acquired at market value as determined by an independent agency. Each warrant entitles the holder the right to, in three years in accordance with Avanza’s warrant programme 2023/2026, subscribe for one (1) new ordinary share in Avanza at a subscription price corresponding to 120 per cent of the weighted average price of completed transactions involving Avanza’s share on 24 August 2023. The acquisition of the warrants does not affect the dilution more than within the framework of the existing programme.

In addition, Avanza’s two largest shareholders, Biovestor and Creades, have issued an additional 200,000 call options on corresponding terms as Avanza’s warrant programme. These 200,000 call options will not affect the dilution for Avanza’s other owners.

For further information please contact:
Sven Hagströmer, Chairman of the Board of Avanza
+46 70-728 81 92
Email: Sven.Hagstromer@avanza.se

Avanza is a digital platform for savings and investments, founded in 1999. The Parent Company, Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ), is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Avanza’s customer promise is that you as a customer will have more left in your own pockets than with any other bank or pension company. Services include saving in shares, funds, savings accounts, mortgages, and a strong pension offering. Avanza has over 1.8 million customers with over SEK 700 billion in total savings capital. This is equivalent to nearly 7 per cent of the Swedish savings market. Avanza is largest in terms of number of transactions among Swedish banks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. During the last thirteen years Avanza has won SKI’s (Swedish Quality Index) award, “Year’s Most Satisfied Savings Customers”. For more information visit: avanza.se/ir

Datum 2023-09-11, kl 08:30
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