Addnode Group’s main owner Aretro Capital has divested shares

Addnode Group AB (publ) (”Addnode” or the “Company”) has been informed by representatives of Aretro Capital Group AB (“Aretro”) that Aretro has sold 1.5 million common shares of series B in Addnode, corresponding to 1.1% and 0.9% of the capital and votes in the Company, respectively.

Aretro is a company jointly owned by Addnode’s chairman Staffan Hanstorp and Jonas Gejer. The sale is carried out in connection with Jonas Gejer transitioning from over 30 years of executive positions within Addnode to support the Company’s future development as an owner and in a consultative role.
The sale represented approximately 20.7% of Aretro’s shares in Addnode. After the sale, Aretro owns 2,501,328 and 3,238,496 shares of series A and series B in Addnode, respectively, which in aggregate corresponds to 4.3% of the capital and 16.6% of the votes in Addnode.
Staffan Hanstorp and Jonas Gejer intend to remain as active long-term owners in Addnode through Aretro and will contribute to the Company’s development through their respective roles. Furthermore, they see favourable conditions for Addnode’s continued growth and that a diversification of the shareholder base is beneficial for all shareholders. Aretro has no intentions to sell additional shares for the foreseeable future.
ABG Sundal Collier acted as financial advisor to Aretro in connection with the sale of shares, which was carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Datum 2024-06-03, kl 08:00
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