Addnode Group's Nomination Committee for the AGM 2024

In accordance with the decision of Addnode Group's Annual General Meeting on May 4, 2023, the members of the Nomination Committee are hereby announced and will remain as composed until a new Nomination Committee has been appointed in accordance with the mandate of the next Annual General Meeting.

The Nomination Committee has the following composition:

  • Jonas Gejer, appointed by Aretro Capital Group AB. Jonas Gejer is the chairman of the Nomination Committee as the representative of the largest owner in terms of votes.
  • Andreas Wollheim, appointed by SEB Investment Management.
  • Marianne Nilsson, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder.
  • Claes Murander, appointed by Lannebo Fonder.
  • Staffan Hanstorp, chairman of Addnode Group's Board of Directors.

Addnode Group's Annual General Meeting 2024 will be held on May 7, 2024.

The shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are asked to contact the Nomination Committee chairman, Jonas Gejer, telephone +46 (0) 733 77 24 14, e-mail

Datum 2023-10-12, kl 15:15
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