Interim report Q1 2024


In the first quarter 2024, Acconeer's net sales amounted to kSEK 11,298. Close to 13,000 modules and more than 170,000 sensors were sold. In total, Acconeer has sold 2,077,031 radar sensors and 183,916 modules since launch. In the quarter 436 evaluation kits were sold, and an accumulated 7,777 EVKs have been sold since launch. The gross margin in Q1 was 56% and 8 new customer products were launched.

CEO Lars Lindell comments: "We had a good quarter with increased sales both compared to Q4 and Q1 2023. In addition, we continue to see good progress in the automotive industry, where we were able to report on both launched car models and new design wins. It is especially gratifying that we received our first design win for our upcoming radar sensor, A2.”


  • Net sales for the first quarter amounted to kSEK 11,298 (10,131).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 56 (60) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK-12,241 (-12,127).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.45 (-0.46).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -12,218 (-9,732).


  • Acconeer announced automotive design win to an estimated value of USD 5 million.
  • The Board of Acconeer decided to carry out a fully guaranteed rights issue of approximately SEK 150 million, financial targets and preliminary financial information for FY 2023 was announced.
  • Acconeer received largest order yet from NEXTY Electronics worth 1,8 million USD.


  • Acconeer received order from BEYD worth USD 180,000.
  • Acconeer received order from European IoT provider worth USD 100,000.
  • Acconeer announced automotive design win with an estimated value of USD 30 million, for the first time including next generation radar sensor A2.

The report is attached to this press release and available through Acconeer's website:

Datum 2024-05-14, kl 07:30
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