AAC Clyde Space wins SEK 6.6 M order

2024-12-16 AAC Clyde Space AB (publ)

AAC Clyde Space has won a EUR 0.6 M (approx. SEK 6.6 M) order for Sirius computers, GNSS receivers and related services. The order follows an order for power systems received in September 2024.

Sirius is AAC Clyde Space's range of computers developed to cater for command and data handling needs of small satellites. Their standardization allows for reliability, a compelling price performance ratio and short delivery times. These high-performing avionics have been flight-proven across multiple missions.

GNSS receivers are electronic devices that receive and digitally process signals from a navigation satellite constellation in order to provide position, velocity and time. Also these avionics have been flight proven across multiple missions.

The avionics will be used in a planned constellation. The name of the client cannot be disclosed at this time.  

AAC Clyde Space expects to have completed delivery of the order during the third quarter of 2025.

For more information:
Please visit: www.aac-clydespace.com or contact:
CEO Luis Gomes, investor@aac-clydespace.com
CFO Mats Thideman, investor@aac-clydespace.com, mobile +46 70 556 09 73

AAC Clyde Space specialises in small satellite technologies and services that enable businesses, governments together three divisions:

Space Data as a Service (SDaaS) - delivering data from space directly to customers
Space missions - turnkey solutions that empower customers to streamline their space missions
Space products and components - a full range of off-the-shelf and tailor-made subsystems, components and sensors

AAC Clyde Space aims, in our chosen markets, to become a world leader in commercial small satellites and services from space, applying advances in its technology to tackle global challenges and improve our life on Earth.

The Group's main operations are located in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, South Africa and the USA, with partner networks in Japan and South Korea.

AAC Clyde Space's shares are traded on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (Ticker: AAC). Carnegie Investment Bank AB is the Certified Adviser. The share is also traded on the US OTCQX- market under the symbol ACCMF.

Datum 2024-12-16, kl 08:30
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