Maximum Entertainment

TP ICAP and Portzamparc - BNP Paribas Group have initiated coverage of Maximum Entertainment

Stockholm, Sweden – (January 30, 2024) – Maximum Entertainment AB (Nasdaq: MAXENT B) today announced that two investment service providers, TP ICAP (Europe) SA and Portzamparc - BNP Paribas Group, have initiated coverage of its stock.

TP ICAP (Europe) SA is the Continental Europe hub of TP ICAP Group Plc, a global institutional broker offering direct execution and research services. It provides liquidity and data solutions, with a portfolio of businesses that offer broking services, data & analytics, and market intelligence.

Portzamparc - BNP Paribas Group is one of France's leading Small & Mid Caps specialists with three areas of expertise: support for private and institutional investors on the stock market, third-party asset management, and market operations for SMEs/ETIs.

Both investment service providers will now follow Maximum Entertainment’s stock.

*This information does not constitute an offer to sell or subscribe, or the solicitation of an order to buy or subscribe, securities in France, Europe, the United States or any other country. The provision of a financial analysis production and distribution service has been agreed between Maximum Entertainment and each of the aforementioned investment services providers, TP ICAP (Europe) SA and Portzamparc - BNP Paribas Group, respectively.

Datum 2024-01-30, kl 07:30
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