Report from the extraordinary general meeting in Westpay AB on August 15, 2024


Westpay AB held an extraordinary general meeting on Thursday, August 15, 2024, where the following main resolutions were passed.

For more information on the resolutions, please see the notice of the extraordinary general meeting which is available at the company’s website,

Resolution on fee to director, resolution on the number of directors and election of director

The general meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal included in the notice, that a newly elected director of the company shall receive a fee of SEK 50,000, adjusted for their service time as a director. Furthermore, the general meeting resolved that the board of directors shall consist of six directors, elected by the general meeting, without deputies and to elect Mattias Lewrén as a new director of the company, in accordance with the proposals included in the notice.

“Mattias Lewrén is Partner and Head of Value Creation at Dahlgren Private Equity. He has a vast experience from numerous industries, including the technology sector, and a proven track record in value creation. For 35 years Mattias worked for Accenture heading numerous global management positions.”

Datum 2024-08-15, kl 10:30
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