Webrock Ventures publishes Interim Report - First Nine Months of 2024


Financial result
The period January – September 2024 (January – September 2023)

  • Operating profit amounted to SEK -165,7 million (-98,6), whereof change in value of financial assets amounted to SEK -150,9 million (-88,2).
  • Investments during the period amounted to SEK 28,4 million (94,0).
  • Net profit amounted to SEK -165,8 million (-98,6).
  • Profit per share amounted to SEK -8,1 (-5,9).

Net asset value

  • Net Asset Value (NAV) of SEK 480,3 million on September 30, 2024, a decrease of -1.6% compared to SEK 488,2 million on June 30, 2024.
  • NAV per share of SEK 22,7 on September 30, 2024 compared to SEK 23,1 on June 30, 2024.
  • Portfolio value of SEK 458,9 million, cash and cash equivalents of SEK 8,3 million, and other net assets of SEK 13,1 million on September 30, 2024.

Extract from Joakim Pops CEO letter:

‘’2024 has been a transformative year for Webrock, setting a strong foundation for growth as we approach 2025. We have stayed on course with our annual plan, successfully meeting the overarching goals we set out when entering the next phase of our journey after debuting on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market on February 5, 2024. Our focus remains on nurturing our portfolio companies, with a successful exit as a top priority to validate our business model and narrow the gap between our market value and NAV. We are committed to closing this discount through improved communication and operational excellence while also identifying and launching new innovative ventures in Brazil’s burgeoning digital economy. At Webrock, we maintain a long-term perspective, which is essential for venture building, particularly in emerging markets.’’

This and previous financial reports are available on the Company's website at https://webrockventures.com/financial-reports/

Datum 2024-11-13, kl 08:00
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