Vultus: Toyama's Retailer Network Goes Live on Vultus's New Platform


Toyama's network will feature a bespoke platform and app, tailored to deliver Vultus's analytics services. These include Nitrogen Prescriptions, Plant Health monitoring, Water Stress identification, and Soil Organic Carbon assessments designed to improve agricultural efficiency.


"Toyama making our analyses available to their network is a significant step forward that not only confirms the extended functionality of our new platform, but also opens up new opportunities for us. Through this collaboration, we reach a new market and a broad user base, which will give us new insights and the opportunity to further refine our analyses.", says Per Karlsson, CEO of Vultus.


This initiative not only renews but also significantly strengthens the existing partnership between Vultus and Toyama. With Vultus's services now accessible across Toyama's 7,000 retail outlets, the anticipated annual revenue is based on a fixed fee of approximately 1,5 MSEK, set to increase with the addition of variable fees per hectare analyzed. The revenue is allocated on a monthly basis and will apply from the second quarter of this year.


Beyond providing services to end-users like farmers, agro-holdings, and agronomists, Toyama will extend Vultus's offerings to dealers and representatives.


About Toyama

Toyama is a multinational company, present on five continents and with registered trademarks in more than 150 countries. The company has a strong presence in its home market of South America. In Brazil, Toyama has more than 7,000 points of sale and offers a portfolio of more than 500 different products. The company operates in several different segments: Agriculture, Construction, Forest & Garden, Maritime and Transport.


For more information about Vultus, please contact

Per Karlsson, CEO Vultus AB

Phone: +46 (0) 70-001 97 01




About Vultus AB (publ)

Vultus is an agtech company that offers analysis of crops and soil conditions based on satellite data. Vultus provides decision support for efficient and sustainable agricultural practices globally through the company's platform service. The Vultus share (Ticker: VULTS) is listed on Spotlight Stock Market. For more information about Vultus, please visit:


Datum 2024-02-22, kl 09:45
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