Volvo Cars publishes information brochure relating to the proposed distribution of its shareholding in Polestar


On 23 February 2024, the Board of Directors of Volvo Car AB (publ) (“Volvo Cars”) proposed a distribution of 62.7 percent of Volvo Cars’ shareholding in Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC (“Polestar”) to Volvo Cars’ shareholders at its 2024 Annual General Meeting. Today, an information brochure relating to the proposed distribution has been published on Volvo Cars’ website in both Swedish and English.

The information brochure will be sent to Volvo Cars’ directly registered shareholders.

An information video relating to the disitribution and a shareholder Q&A has also been prepared and made available on Volvo Cars’ website.

The above-mentioned information is available on Volvo Cars’ website via the following link (subject to certain confirmations):


Datum 2024-03-05, kl 15:00
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