Viva Wine Group AB appoints ABG Sundal Collier as liquidity provider


Viva Wine Group AB (the “Company”) has appointed ABG Sundal Collier (“ABGSC”) as liquidity provider for the Company’s shares listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The commitment takes place within the framework of Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules on liquidity providers.

ABGSC undertakes to continuously during the opening hours quote prices for the Company’s share in accordance with the at all time prevailing minimum requirements for liquidity providers set out by Nasdaq Stockholm aiming at improving the liquidity of the share and reducing the spread. ABGSC’s assignment commences on September 4, 2023.

Certified Adviser
FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market.

For more information, please contact:
Mikael Sundström, Director Sustainability, Communications & Investor Relations
Tel: +46 70 943 22 26
Linn Gäfvert, CFO
Tel: +46 73 086 89 90

Datum 2023-09-01, kl 14:00
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