Viking Supply Ships to Upgrade Four AHTS with Subsea Cranes

Viking Supply Ships has secured a contract for four 100-ton heave-compensated offshore cranes to be installed on its fleet of ice classed anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels.

These advanced cranes will enhance the vessels' capabilities, positioning them to meet the increasing demand within the subsea sector. The upgrades will enable the vessels to handle a wider range of assignments across both the oil and gas industry, as well as renewable energy projects, including offshore wind.

The cranes are scheduled for delivery beginning in July 2026 and will be phased in thereafter. 

Total investment for the project is estimated to around 50 MUSD and is expected to be financed with cash at hand and existing credit facility. The project includes some modifications on certain vessels, including building ROV-hangars and installation of launch and recovery systems for ROVs.

Datum 2024-10-07, kl 15:40
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