Viking Supply Ships
The nomination committee of Viking Supply Ships AB is appointed
As decided by the annual general meeting on 24 April 2024, the nomination committee of Viking Supply Ships AB shall comprise four members including the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board is assigned to contact the three largest shareholders or shareholder groups in terms of votes on the last day of share trading in August each year and asking them to appoint one member each to the nomination committee. If such shareholder declines to appoint a member of the nomination committee, the right to appoint such a member passes to the next largest shareholder or shareholder groups who do not already have the right to appoint a member of the nomination committee. In the event that several shareholders or shareholder groups waive their right to appoint members of the nomination committee, the Chairman of the Board shall not have to contact more than 12 shareholders, and the size of the nomination committee shall in that case be reduced accordingly to at least consist of two members, including the Chairman of the Board.
The nomination committee appointed for the annual general meeting 2025 consists of: Bengt A. Rem in his position as Chairman of the Board, Lars Petter Utseth representing Kistefos AS /Viking Invest AS, Glenn Ström representing Lennart Hero and Peter Edwall representing Ponderus Invest AB.
Shareholders may submit proposals to the nomination committee at the following address: Viking Supply Ships AB, Nomination Committee, Idrottsvägen 1, 444 31 Stenungsund, or e-mail to: Proposals must be received by the company no later than 15 January 2025. The Annual General Meeting will be held in Gothenburg 24 April 2025.
Datum | 2024-10-24, kl 15:00 |
Källa | MFN |