Change in the number of shares and votes in Truecaller AB


As of 28 June 2024, the number of shares in the company amounts to a total of 352,540,414, representing a total of 773,594,614 votes, divided into 46,783,800 series A shares with ten votes each, 300,156,614 series B shares with one vote each and 5,600,000 series C shares with one vote each.


For more information. please contact:

Andreas Frid. Head of IR & Communication

+46 705 290800

The information in the press release is such that Truecaller AB is required to disclose pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 09.30 CEST on 28 June 2024

About Truecaller:
Truecaller (TRUE B) is the leading global platform for verifying contacts and blocking unwanted communication. We enable safe and relevant conversations between people and make it efficient for businesses to connect with consumers. Fraud and unwanted communication are endemic to digital economies. especially in emerging markets. We are on a mission to build trust in communication. Truecaller is an essential part of everyday communication for more than 400 million active users, with more than a billion downloads since launch and around 50 billion unwanted calls identified and blocked in 2023. Headquartered in Stockholm. since 2009. we are a co-founder led. entrepreneurial company. with a highly experienced management team. Truecaller is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 8 October 2021. For more information. please visit

Datum 2024-06-28, kl 09:30
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