Thunderful Group is exploring the possibility of divesting Headup


Thunderful Group AB (“Thunderful”) announced today that the company is investigating the possibility of divesting its German-based publishing op-eration Headup GmbH (“Headup”), a subsidiary that was acquired by Thunderful in March 2021.

Thunderful deems that the divestment could lead to a partial write-down of goodwill and other intangible assets, which, as of today, are included in the balance sheet at a value of approximately 11 million euros.

“The Headup team and its CEO, Dieter Schoeller, have made a great contribution to Thunderful since joining the group. However, as we’re reviewing the business and priorities of Thunderful, it’s become obvious that we need a clearer and more focused strategy. We’re therefore now exploring the possibility of divesting Headup,” said Martin Walfisz, CEO of Thunderful Group.

Datum 2023-11-23, kl 08:45
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