Henrik Lundkvist resigns as CFO at Thunderful Group


Thunderful Group AB ("Thunderful") announces today that Henrik Lundkvist, at his own request, has chosen to end his employment as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for new opportunities outside the company. The recruitment process for a new CFO will begin immediately and Henrik Lundkvist will remain as the company's CFO until July 3, 2024 at the latest.

“I want to thank Henrik for the good work he has put into planning and implementing our extensive restructuring program. We have had a good collaboration and I wish Henrik all the best in his future endeavours ", says Martin Walfisz, CEO at Thunderful.

"The company is in a different phase compared to what I initially perceived, which has led to my decision to move on in my career," says Henrik Lundkvist.

Datum 2024-04-03, kl 08:45
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