Wall to Wall Group appoints André Strömgren as CFO


Wall to Wall Group has appointed André Strömgren as the new CFO and member of the Group management. André will assume his role no later than September 1, 2024. The company's current acting CFO, Linus Marmstedt, will remain in his current role until André takes over.

André has extensive experience from leading positions in finance and IR regarding both listed and unlisted companies, most recently as CFO at Quant. Previous experience includes PA Resources and Electrolux.

"I am very happy that André is taking over as CFO. His solid experience from finance and economics in successful service operations will be a great asset for Wall to Wall Group," says Joachim Welin, CEO of Wall to Wall Group.

"It feels very exciting to be part of the Wall to Wall Group and its strong team. I look forward to being part of developing the company to the next level with continued growth and value creation together with my new colleagues," says André Strömgren.

Joachim Welin
CEO, Wall to Wall Group
Tel: +46 72 182 06 68

Datum 2024-04-16, kl 08:00
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