Tangiamo Touch Technology

Tangiamo Earns Dual GLI-11 and GLI-24 Certifications

Tangiamo’s CEO, Chris Steele, stated "Securing the GLI-11 and GLI-24 certifications was a tireless effort by the team and is a significant milestone for the company and our customers. These certifications not only validate our product's quality but also open up a world of possibilities. A prime example is our upcoming partnership with Loto Quebec, which relies on these certifications. Our MultiPLAY Roulette product, backed by GLI certification, means they can trust that a product meets global industry standards in all aspects - from security and fairness to robustness and performance.”

The GLI-11 and GLI-24 certifications are granted by Gaming Laboratories International, an independent testing and certification body for the global gaming industry. They ensure the highest level of compliance with gaming regulations and standards worldwide, which can significantly enhance a product's credibility and market acceptance. 

Notably, the GLI-11 certification is the gaming industry's principal standard for gaming devices, affirming the seamless and reliable functioning of Tangiamo's hardware and software in Casinos. Concurrently, the GLI-24 Standard for Electronic Table Game Systems assures the highest level of security and integrity for Tangiamo’s automatic gaming tables. Both certifications are non-jurisdictional, and while this eases entry into various markets, some regions may need additional local approvals. However, with these foundational certifications, acquiring such approvals becomes more straightforward.

Steele concluded, "I believe this is just the beginning. This achievement has the potential to improve our market penetration and strengthen our growth prospects. It marks a step forward in our journey to provide top-quality gaming technology that players enjoy and to drive success for our partners."

Datum 2023-08-23, kl 15:06
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