Announcement from Annual General Meeting


TalkPool AG (CHE-109.047.379) held its ordinary annual shareholder's meeting on Wednesday the 25th of June 2024.

The Chairman and CEO, Magnus Sparrholm, opened the 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Talkpool AG. The identification of some last-minute shareholders required some time at the beginning of the meeting, and this time was bridged by a presentation of the 2023 annual report, with emphasis on the following:

  • Consolidated revenues decreased to EUR 15.6 million, substantially lower than the EUR 25.5 million in 2022, after selling, closing and downsizing several businesses
  • EBITDA of EUR 1.980 million, almost double than the 999 thousand in 2022
  • Earnings After Tax of EUR 788 thousand, less than the EUR 1.24 million in 2022
  • A strengthening and reduction of the balance sheet

The Chairman concluded that 2'079'545 shares out of a total 6'778'097 shares were represented in this AGM, which is fully functional.

The new auditor Balmer Etienne, represented by Renato Chironi, presented its findings. The audit reports are part of the annual report. The Annual Accounts and the Remuneration Report for 2023 were approved unanimously.

The AGM resolved the annual report to carry forward a loss of CHF 165`938 for the parent company Talkpool AG. After appropriation of the annual loss, the total loss carry-forward amounts to CHF 9`072`393 in the parent company.

All Board members except Franco de Rose were discharged from liability for the past fiscal year. Franco de Rose was not discharged due to unprofessional actions and conflict of interest. Erik Strömstedt and Mats Palving were newly elected as board members. Magnus Sparrholm was re-elected Chairman of the Board. Balmer-Etienne AG was re-elected as auditor.

Magnus Sparrholm was re-elected, and Erik Strömstedt was newly elected as responsible for formulating remuneration guidelines for senior executives in accordance with the Board's proposal. Finally, the Board of Director's proposal to re-elect Josef Gabrieli as Independent Proxy Representative for shareholders was also approved.

The Annual General Meeting resolved on the remuneration of the Board up to and including the end of the AGM 2024 is set to a maximum of CHF 30'000 (down from CHF 72'000). It was decided that management should receive a maximum of CHF 500'000 (down from CHF 600'000) total salary until the AGM in 2025 and a maximum of CHF 20'000 (down from CHF 60'000) variable salary for 2024.

This is a simplified summary published after the AGM. Complete Minutes of Meeting will be published on Talkpool's homepage

For additional information contact:
Magnus Sparrholm,, Tel: +41 81 250 2020

Datum 2024-06-25, kl 16:58
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