Nomination Committee appointed for the 2025 Annual General Meeting in SyntheticMR

The following shareholders have been identified as the three largest shareholders as of 2024-09-30 who are willing to be part of the Nomination Committee and they have appointed the following members:

Swedia Invest AB: Fredrik Persson

Marcel Warntjes: Marcel Warntjes

David Zetterlund: David Zetterlund

In total, the Nomination Committee represents approx. 45 percent of the total number of shares and votes in the company. Fredrik Persson and David Zetterlund are independent in relation to the company and its executive management. Marcel Warntjes and David Zetterlund are independent in relation to Swedia Invest AB, which is the largest shareholder in the company in terms of votes.

The Committee's assignment is to present to the Annual General Meeting proposals regarding Chairman and other members of the board as well as remuneration to the Board ́s members. The Nomination Committee shall also submit proposals for appointment and remuneration of financial auditors. Further, the Committee shall submit proposals to the process to appoint the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2026.

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by email to Fredrik Persson: 

Datum 2024-11-22, kl 15:00
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