Decided allocation regarding incentive program LTIP 2024 and TO 2


At the extraordinary general meeting on February 20, 2024, it was decided to introduce the incentive program LTIP 2024 for personnel in Sweden within SyntheticMR AB (publ) (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), as well as the possibility to subscribe to customary warrants of series TO 2. Furthermore, it was decided on TO 3 involving an opportunity for an employee in the USA to subscribe for warrants of series TO 3. LTIP 2024 gives employees of the Company the opportunity to subscribe for shares, with attached share rights, at the market value in a directed issue. The board of the Company has now decided on the allocation of the shares and warrants of series TO 2.

LTIP 2024
In accordance with the terms, the subscription price for shares in the directed issue has previously been set at SEK 25.04 per share. A total of 15 subscribers are allocated 37,500 shares in the Company. Through the directed issue, approximately SEK 0.9 million will be added to the Company. At the same time, 75,000 warrants are issued to the Company for safekeeping until the exercise period begins in three years. Time for payment regarding allocated shares lasts until March 27, 2024.

TO 2
In accordance with the conditions, the rate for subscribing to TO 2 was previously set at SEK 6.34 per warrant. Fixed price for use of TO 2 after three years amounts to SEK 28.80 per share. In total, 40,000 TO 2 in the Company were subscribed and the Company is thus infused with approximately SEK 0.25 million. Time for payment lasts until March 27, 2024. Provided that all TO 2 are used (in three years' time), the Company will receive an additional SEK 1.1 million.

Number of shares and dilution
As a result of LTIP 2024, the number of shares in the Company, after registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, will initially increase by 37,500 shares, to a total of 41,688,280 shares. The share capital increases at the same time by an initial SEK 832.5, to a total of SEK 925,479.816. After the end of the term in three years, the number of shares, upon full use of the warrants issued to the Company for technical reasons, can increase by an additional 75,000 shares, to a total 41,763,280 shares. At the same time, if these warrants are fully exercised, the share capital can increase by 1,665 SEK, to a total of 927,144.816 SEK. The total dilution as a result of LTIP 2024 thus amounts to approximately 0.27 percent of votes and capital.

As a result of TO 2, the total number of shares in the Company, upon full use of all TO 2 after three years, can increase by an additional 40,000 shares, to a total of 41,803,280 shares. The share capital then increases at the same time by 888 SEK, to a total of 928,032.816 SEK. The total dilution as a result of TO 2 thus amounts to an additional 0.10 percent of votes and capital. All the figures stated above are calculated on the basis that warrants issued in connection with LTIP 2024 are fully used.

For further information, please contact Ulrik Harrysson, CEO of SyntheticMR AB (publ).

Phone: +46 70 529 29 87


Datum 2024-03-12, kl 18:12
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