Sustainable Energy Solutions

SENS secures land lease agreement for 40MW battery and 40MW solar power project in Sörmland

SENS is in a exciting development phase, with a clear focus on initiating multiple energy storage projects in Sweden. Over the last period, SENS has increasingly established itself among like-minded landowners who share SENS' vision of utilizing available resources to promote the development of sustainable energy storage solutions.

Today, SENS announces that another agreement has been concluded with a landowner in Åtorp, Katrineholm, Sörmland. The ambition to establish a combined solar park and battery facility, which provides the opportunity for both production and storage of energy. The respective facility has a planned capacity of 40 MW.

The market value for solar power and battery parks with 'Ready-to-build' status usually varies between SEK 250-500,000/MW. The implied value of this project , considering its project characteristics, amount to SEK 20-40 million if all project rights are secured. Like similar agreements that SENS has recently signed, the lease agreement does not generate direct income for SENS. The revenue is expected upon signing a sales or development agreement with a long-term partner or investor.

Henrik Boman, CEO of SENS, comments:

"I am very happy to have now secured an extensive combination lease regarding both storage and production. This is a significant step forward for us, and we are proud that our high pace is paying off. Our commitment and leadership in the green Swedish transition continues to strengthen our position as an innovative player in sustainable energy solutions."

Datum 2023-10-23, kl 16:40
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