Sustainable Energy Solutions

SENS enters letter of intent for solar power plant and battery storage in Karlskoga


In collaboration with Karlskoga municipality, SENS has entered a letter of intent to explore the possibility of establishing a sustainable solar power plant with battery storage on the property Karlskoga Högåsen 2:4. The short-term goal is to first secure a lease agreement for the property, which will enable the establishment of the facility. The parties will work together to conduct a preliminary study and evaluate the project's feasibility, including technical, economic, and environmental factors.

During the preliminary study, the parties will jointly define the scope of the project, including the capacity of the solar power plant, specifications for the battery storage system, and necessary infrastructure. The study begins immediately and is planned to be completed by December 31, 2024. For the current land, which covers an area of approximately 80 hectares, a solar power plant of about 65-70 MW and battery storage of about 70 MW are planned to be built.

Henrik Boman, CEO of SENS, comments:
We are very pleased to once again have the opportunity to collaborate with a forward-looking municipality like Karlskoga. In a time when demand for green and sustainable solutions is increasing, it is encouraging to see that our business areas – solar energy, battery technology, and mining – are highly sought after. It is particularly pleasing to initiate this collaboration with Karlskoga municipality, a like-minded actor who shares our vision of a sustainable future and sees the value in storing renewable energy. Now we look forward to starting the collaboration and then realizing the project.”

Tony Ring, Chairman of the Karlskoga municipal board, comments:
As the innovative and high-tech municipality, it is obvious that we should support and collaborate for the production and storage of renewable energy in Karlskoga. We are very pleased that SENS sees the opportunities in our municipality and wants to conduct an evaluation together with us. This is a step towards a greener Karlskoga and a more sustainable future.”

Datum 2024-01-16, kl 14:30
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