Surgical Science Sweden

Gisli Hennermark to be nominated to Surgical Science's board

The nomination committee will propose that current CEO Gisli Hennermark be elected to Surgical Science's board at the annual general meeting on May 16.

As previously informed, Gisli Hennermark informed the board on March 12, 2024 that he intends to leave his position as CEO of Surgical Science. The process to find a successor to Gisli has begun and Gisli will remain as CEO until the board appoints a new CEO. After that, Gisli will be an advisor to the new CEO until March, 2025.

The nomination committee will propose that Gisli Hennermark be elected to the board of Surgical Science at the annual general meeting on May 16. In the period until Gisli resigns as CEO in March 2025, no fee will be paid. All existing board members in Surgical Science are proposed to be re-elected, which means that the board is proposed to be expanded from today's six members to seven people.

"I am grateful that we have the opportunity to continue working with Gisli even after his departure in March of next year by his acceptance to be a candidate for the board. This means that his deep knowledge of the company and our industry will continue to benefit Surgical Science also in the future," says Roland Bengtsson, chairman of the board.

"I have a very strong commitment to the medical simulation industry and a passion and care for the company Surgical Science. As I said when I announced my resignation, my almost nine years as CEO of Surgical Science has been the dream job of my life. I think it is a good time to hand over the responsibility for the continued growth to a new CEO. Having a different role and being able to contribute with my knowledge from a board position feels to me like a very nice next step, where I will not be involved in the day-to-day operations but still have the opportunity to add what I can and have learned about our business and industry," says Surgical Science's CEO Gisli Hennermark.

Gothenburg, Sweden, April 12, 2024
Surgical Science Sweden AB (publ)

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This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

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