Surgical Science Sweden

CEO Gisli Hennermark will leave Surgical Science in March 2025


Today Gisli Hennermark, CEO of Surgical Science Sweden AB (publ), has informed the board that he intends to leave his position. The board now initiates the work of finding a successor to Gisli. That process will be led by the chairman of the board, Roland Bengtsson. Gisli remains as CEO until the board appoints a new CEO and will be an advisor to the new CEO until March, 2025.

"Surgical Science has had nine fantastic years with Gisli, where he has far exceeded all expectations you can have of a CEO. We have had a collaboration that has been incredibly successful and over this time has generated great value for all shareholders. I regret that Gisli has decided to leave but I also know that the company is standing strong and that the existing team is driving the company forward with full force. We continue our journey where our financial goals for 2026 is only a step on the way. I am grateful that Gisli's strong commitment and care for the business means that he remains in the company for another year," says Roland Bengtsson, chairman of the board of Surgical Science.

"My almost nine years as CEO of Surgical Science has been the dream job of my life. I am extremely proud of all my colleagues and how we contribute to better safety for patients worldwide through simulation. Having been able to make this growth journey with my team and the board from a small cutting-edge technology company in Gothenburg to a world-leading group has been a privilege. I know I will miss everything that I love about Surgical Science but it is a good time to hand over the responsibility for its continued growth to someone else. It is almost three years since the acquisition of Simbionix and the integration has exceeded all expectations. The company is now ready for new chapters in its development," says Surgical Science’s CEO Gisli Hennermark.

Gothenburg, Sweden, March 12, 2024
Surgical Science Sweden AB (publ)

This press release, in its entirety, is available through the attachment or via:

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

Datum 2024-03-12, kl 08:29
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