SpectraCure strengthens presence among urologists

SpectraCure AB has for four days participated with a stand at Urologiveckan, the annual conference gathering Sweden's top urologists, urology nurses, and researchers. This presence enhances SpectraCure's relationship with leading urologists.

At this year's Urologivecka in Sundsvall, SpectraCure demonstrated the system and highlighted the company's ongoing clinical study. The conference serves as a strategic platform to establish SpectraCure's presence among urologists and raises at the same time awareness of the ongoing clinical study.

“These past four days have been filled with interesting meetings and discussions with urologists and nurses who have shown interest in our method. There is a clear consensus and a desire to explore and develop new focal treatment options for patients affected by recurrent prostate cancer," says Kristina Holst, Head of Clinical Affairs, SpectraCure.
"We can build strong relationships with leading urologists through active participation and visibility in these contexts. This enables us to establish SpectraCure as a trustworthy and reliable player in the industry and also to increase awareness of the ongoing clinical study," says Masoud Khayyami, acting CEO, SpectraCure.
Datum 2023-10-06, kl 14:30
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