SolTech Energy Sweden

Soltech in large-scale battery project with Tekniska verken – order value of SEK 28 million

Soltech company Soltech Energy Solutions has now signed a new battery contract. The company will help the energy Group Tekniska verken with a battery storage of 4 MWh. The battery storage will be built in connection to a new charging park for heavy vehicles that Tekniska verken will build in Mjölby. The order value for the project amounts to SEK 28 million and construction is expected to start in Q1 2024.

Soltech Energy Solutions is the Soltech Group's operating company within tech solutions such as advanced energy systems, energy storage and large-scale solar energy solutions. The company has previously helped several energy companies with battery storage solutions that balances the electricity grid, sells frequency services to Svenska kraftnät and cuts power peaks that the increased electrification brings.

Now the company will help Tekniska verken with a new large-scale battery installation. The battery storage will be built in connection with the charging park for heavy vehicles that Tekniska verken will construct in Mjölby close to the E4 motorway. The project is the second that Soltech is constructing in their grid, after a 2 MW/2MWh battery storage facility that was installed in 2022.

– It feels great to once again be able to design and install a large-scale tech solution in the form of a battery storage of 4 MW/4MWh. The battery storage will be an important measure to both stabilize the electricity system but also to boost their upcoming charging park and cut any power peaks, says Rickard Lantz, Business Development Manager at Soltech Energy Solutions.

Increasing demand
Energy storage solutions in the form of large-scale batteries is becoming an increasingly important complement to the electricity system. Not least when increasingly renewable and weather-dependent electricity production such as solar and wind energy is installed. These types of power sources are often a challenge for grid owners as they do not offer the support services that planable facilities normally offer.

– With this technology, energy companies can be part of the solution to a problem posed by increased electrification and the rising amount of renewable electricity. By connecting their battery storage to the frequency market, a necessary balance is created between production and consumption, concludes Rickard Lantz.

Datum 2023-10-02, kl 13:05
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