SolTech Energy Sweden

Soltech Energy Solutions in large-scale solar energy project for Öresundskraft and Greenfood

The Soltech company Soltech Energy Solutions will now install a 3.8 MW roof-placed solar energy solution for the energy company Öresundskraft. Close to 18,000 square meters of solar panels will be installed on the roof of Greenfood's new production and logistics facility at Långeberga, outside Helsingborg. The solar electricity will then be traded through a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) signed for 19 years. Construction of the facility will start at the end of 2023.

Soltech Energy Solutions is active in project development of large-scale solar energy solutions on roofs, land and tech solutions for property owners and large energy companies.

The company has now been commissioned to install a 3.8 MW solar installations for Öresundskraft and Greenfood at Greenfood's new production and logistics facility "Greenhouse". The production capacity from the solar panels will roughly correspond to the household electricity that 700 average houses, or equally what 1 750 apartments consume annually.

– We are very pleased to be able to help Öresundskraft and also Greenfood with a large-scale rooftop solar energy solution. The PPA electricity purchase agreement signed for the solar electricity also means that the business will have a stable electricity price over time while reducing its climate footprint, says André Nylén, Key Account Manager at Soltech Energy Solutions.

Long PPA solution
The production from the solar panels will cover about 20 percent of the Greenfood Group's electricity needs and the electricity will be traded by Greenfood through a PPA agreement signed for 19 years. This means that Greenfood only buys the solar electricity at a fixed and stable price and avoids the initial investment for the solar energy solution. After Soltech's installation of the solar panels, the installation will be owned and maintained by Öresundskraft.

– The PPA solution is a new business model that we are exploring and evaluating to enable our customers to make strategic energy choices and act more sustainably. This large-scale solar cell plant, which will also be one of the largest in Sweden, is strategically important for Helsingborg's future energy supply and contributes to achieving the city's important climate and energy goals, says Niklas Leweus, Strategic Key Account Manager at Öresundskraft.

Datum 2023-09-13, kl 08:00
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