SolTech Energy Sweden

Soltech Energy acquires the remaining 30 percent of the subsidiary Takorama

Soltech Energy Sweden AB (publ) has on July 11 acquired 30 percent of the shares in the subsidiary Takorama. Soltech Energy now owns 100 percent of the company and the acquisition of the remaining shares in the company is the next step in strengthening Takorama's transformation towards becoming a solar-roof company. Takorama has more than 30 employees and had a turnover of approximately SEK 50 million in 2022 with a good profit margin. The acquisition is financed entirely from own cash.

Soltech acquired 70 percent of Takorama on March 2, 2020, at the time Takorama had a turnover of approximately SEK 25 million. The remaining 30 percent of the company is now being acquired according to plan. This means that Soltech now owns 100 percent of the company, which during its time in the Soltech Group has been transformed by adding solar energy solutions, electrical technology and battery solutions to its core business within roofing and waterproofing.

– Takorama has gone from being a traditional roofing company to becoming a solar-roof company and, since the additional acquisition of Din Elkontakt this spring, now also has deep expertise in electrical engineering. I am therefore very pleased that we are acquiring the remaining part of the company as part of the work to further strengthen their transformation journey, says Stefan Ölander, CEO of Soltech Energy.

Transformation into a solar-roof company
Takorama is a leading company in the roofing industry in western Sweden and with over 30 years of experience in the industry, they are a well-known player in the region. Since Soltech acquired the company, they have developed a solar energy offering and have helped both old and new customers with roof-placed solar energy solutions, for instance Swedish Mässan Gothia Towers. Soltech invests in its subsidiaries and in April 2023, a bolt on-acquisition was made to Takorama when Din Elkontakt became part of the company. This bolt on-acquisition has made Takorama a full-service company with a complete offering in roofing, solar, battery technology and electrical technology.

– Now we have even better opportunities to sharpen our solar energy offering in combination with roofing and electrical technology. The fact that we are part of the Soltech Group gives us great competitive advantages and we look forward to our future together, says Micke Norrby, CEO of Takorama.

Datum 2023-07-11, kl 14:05
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