Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag

New number of shares and votes in Solid Försäkring


The number of shares and votes in Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag (publ) ("Solid Försäkring") has changed due to a decision at Solid Försäkring's Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2024.

The meeting decided in accordance with the Board's proposal, to cancel 806,169 own shares that were repurchased within the framework of the company's share buy-back program. The 806,169 cancelled shares have, following the decision of the general meeting on 25 April 2024, been deregistered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, whereby the number of shares and votes in Solid Försäkring has decreased by 806,169.

Today, the last trading day of the month, there are a total of 18,477,353 shares and votes in Solid Försäkring.

Datum 2024-05-31, kl 17:30
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