Smoltek publishes a filmed interview with the company's CTO Farzan Ghavanini


Group company Smoltek Semi has recently completed a new technology generation for the company's capacitor technology, CNF-MIM. The new generation is called Gen-Zero and forms the foundation for how Smoltek will manufacture capacitors with high capacitance density in the future.

"With the new Gen-Zero capacitors, Smoltek can create a volumetric capacitance density of up to 120 nanofarads per square millimeter per 1 micrometer of carbon nanofibers. This is comparable to the best capacitors on the market. The capacitance values in the Gen-Zero capacitors are, however, lower than the competitors. This is due to the fact that Smoltek Semi has not yet optimized the length of the fibers; the carbon nanofibers in Gen-Zero are only a few micrometers tall. In the next generation, Gen-One, the ambition is to grow carbon nanofibers up to 10 micrometers tall, which is expected to bring the capacitance values on par with the competitors", says Farzan Ghavanini, CTO at Smoltek.

Now Smoltek Semi has set its sights on further improving the capacitor in Gen-One. There, the company will optimize the design of the capacitors, work with a new dialectic stack and increase the length of the carbon nanofibers. This, together with the high volumetric capacitance density of Gen-Zero, will create a CNF-MIM capacitor with large capacitance values.

You can watch the interview on Smoltek's website or on the company's YouTube channel.

Datum 2024-04-25, kl 14:43
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