The Nominating Committee at Sleep Cycle appointed


According to the instructions for the nominating committee at Sleep Cycle that were resolved at the Annual General Meeting on 19 May 2021, the nominating committee shall, in addition to the Chairman of the Board, consist of representatives from the three largest shareholders registered as per September 30 of the year that falls before the Annual General Meeting.

Following the confirmation of the nominating committee, the Chairman of the Board has summoned the nominating committee for its first meeting. The nominating committee consists of the following representatives:

  • Martin Anthonsen, appointed by MCGA AB and H265 AB, who respectively represent 21.5% of the votes and together represent 42.9% of the votes.
  • Erik Olsson, appointed by GLA Invest SA, representing 23.6% of the votes.
  • Anna Sundberg, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder, representing 3.6% of the votes.
  • Anne Broeng, Chairman of the Board of Sleep Cycle.

The nominating committee combined represent 70.1% of the votes in the company. The committee has appointed Anna Sundberg as chairman.

The nominating committee shall prepare and present the following resolution at the Annual General Meeting:

  • Chairman of the Annual General Meeting
  • Number of board members
  • Board members
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Board fees apportioned between the chairman and other members of the board as well as remuneration for committee work
  • Auditors
  • Fees for the company's auditors
  • To the extent deemed necessary, changes to the applicable nominating committee instructions

In keeping to its assignment, the nominating committee shall fulfil the tasks that, according to the Swedish Companies Act and the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, fall to the nominating committee.

Information about the nominating committee's work and instructions to the nominating committee can be found on the company's website. The nominating committee's proposal will be presented in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting 2024 and on the company's website -

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nominating committee can contact the nominating committee at the company's address or by e-mail to In order to give the nominating committee the opportunity to consider a proposal, a proposal must have been received by the nominating committee well in advance of the Annual General Meeting, but no later than 11 February 2024.

For further information, please contact:

Erik Jivmark

Per Andersson
+46 70 939 5327

About Sleep Cycle

With millions of active users and over 400 million nights analyzed in more than 150 countries, Sleep Cycle is the leading sleep tracker application and one of the most widely used solutions worldwide to improve sleep health. Sleep Cycle’s mission is to improve global health by empowering people to sleep better. Since its launch in 2009, Sleep Cycle has helped millions of people understand their sleeping habits and improve their sleep. Sleep Cycle is one of the world’s most comprehensive

sources for statistics, frequently contributing to sleep research by collaborating with renowned universities and research facilities worldwide. Sleep Cycle is regularly featured in notable media outlets covering the product and the company’s released Sleep reports. Sleep Cycle ( is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker SLEEP.

Datum 2023-11-10, kl 13:00
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