Skanska signs contract for the next part of NKT's cable factory in Karlskrona, Sweden, worth about SEK 1.2 billion

The existing collaboration agreement between the parties, covering parts of the expansion of NKT's cable factory in Karlskrona, is now being supplemented with an additional contract. The new contract covers part 2 of construction and installation works for the tower building and associated side buildings. NKT's investment will help develop the distribution of renewable electricity and enhance technological advancements in Blekinge and Sweden.

The collaboration agreement was signed in July 2023, and contracts for time-critical work worth about SEK 300M were signed in December 2023. The contract for the first part of construction works were signed in July 2024, valued at SEK 700M, with completion expected by 2025.

Part 2 of construction and installation works will commence immediately and is planned to be completed by May 2026.

Datum 2024-12-09, kl 07:30
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