Skanska replaces Livingston Avenue Bridge in Albany, NY, USA, for USD 596M, about SEK 6.3 billion

The scope of the project includes the replacement of the Livingston Avenue Bridge, including the addition of a movable two-track vertical lift railroad bridge over the Hudson River to connect the cities of Albany and Rensselaer, New York.

Additionally, the project includes the construction of control and machinery rooms; the installation of new railroad signals; the implementation of electrical infrastructure; and bridge and navigation lighting, realignment and improvements. Additional rail bridges will also be reconfigured and rehabilitated.

The new bridge will support higher-speed passenger and freight rail, as well as provide pedestrians and bicyclists safer and better access to cross the Hudson River.

Work commenced in May 2024 with expected completion in March 2028.

Datum 2024-07-10, kl 07:30
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