Skanska renovates environmental lab in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, for USD 62M, about SEK 660M

The four-phase project will include a 3,100 square meter administration and visitor's center which will connect two existing buildings, the construction of a new courtyard and the 4,900 square meter renovation of three existing buildings to create modular labs, new offices, and conference space. The project also encompasses repurposing a portion of an existing building into a central energy plant to serve as the main source of mechanical and electrical systems for the entire campus. The remainder of this building will be repurposed into a central shipping/receiving and glass wash area. The building will remain operational throughout the entire duration of the project.

Construction will start March of 2025 and is expected to be completed in December of 2027.

Datum 2025-01-07, kl 07:30
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