Skanska invests EUR 90M, about SEK 1 billion, in a new office project in Helsinki, Finland

The office building will be built in Pasila, Helsinki, which is a vibrant area with excellent services and public transport connections. The building will have a variety of amenities, such as conference and lounge areas, restaurant, gym and indoor parking for bicycles.

Firdo is aiming to be certified according to WELL and LEED level Platinum. The building will be heated and cooled with geothermal energy, and in material procurement significant emphasis is placed on reducing the carbon footprint.

Skanska Finland has signed a thirteen-year lease agreement for a new head office at Firdo. The lease agreement accounts approximately 5,500 square meters, about 37 percent of the building. Skanska Finland is expected to take occupancy of its new head office in the second quarter of 2027.

Construction is scheduled to begin in January 2025 and will be completed in the second quarter of 2027.

Datum 2024-12-16, kl 07:30
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