Skanska invests about SEK 2 billion in a new office building in Stockholm, Sweden

The new property Olivin comprises approximately 23,000 square meters of lettable space and will house a restaurant and other service functions on ground level.

The area of western Kungsholmen has developed positively over the past twenty years and is now one of Stockholm's most attractive locations for work and living with good communications, mixed housing and good service. Lindhagenskvarteren, where the office building Olivin is part of, is the last piece of the puzzle to complete western Kungsholmen and comprises a total of approximately 90,000 square meters of new offices.

Olivin will be certified with the ambition to achieve LEED Platinum and Zero CO2. Parts of the frame construction are planned to be built in wood and the building has a pleasant entrance floor with well-thought-out spaces for health care, bicycle parking and more.

Construction work will begin in the first quarter of 2024 and the office building is planned to be ready in the fourth quarter of 2026.

Datum 2023-12-29, kl 15:00
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