Skanska builds wastewater treatment plant in Nokia, Finland, for EUR 35M, about SEK 400M

The project includes construction, machinery, HVAC, building electrical, and building automation work for a new treatment plant. It will consist of four new buildings: the process plant, the monitoring building, a garage and repair building, and an equalization pumping station. The facility will have a size of approximately 12,000 square meters. Its increasing capacity is designed to meet the future needs of the growing city.

The wastewater treatment plant will utilize mechanical, biological, and chemical purification techniques. Due to modern purification technology, nitrogen and other pollutants can be removed from the water significantly more efficiently than before.

The construction has begun in the fourth quarter of 2024 and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2027.

Datum 2025-01-02, kl 07:30
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