Skanska begins work on a new College of Engineering facility in Virginia, USA, for USD 53M, about SEK 550M

The project includes the demolition of Randolph Hall and the construction of a new and expanded 26,500-square meter facility to house multiple College of Engineering departments. The new facility, Mitchell Hall, is slated to add over 70 percent more gross square meters in the same footprint. Construction will also include working around the existing stability wind tunnel, one of the largest university-owned wind tunnels in the country. The tunnel will remain and will be enclosed within Mitchell Hall. Once completed, Mitchell Hall will be the largest building on the university's Blacksburg campus.

Construction will begin in spring 2024 with the initial demolition of Randolph Hall. It has a target completion date of spring 2028.

Datum 2024-05-17, kl 07:30
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