Conversion of shares in Skanska AB


According to Skanska AB's articles of association, holders of Class A shares are entitled to submit requests to the company for conversion of their shares to Class B shares. Such conversion reduces the total number of votes in the company.

In conjunction with a conversion of shares, the company is obliged according to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980) to disclose information concerning the change.

During November 2024, 7,440 Class A shares were converted to Class B shares at the request of shareholders. Accordingly, the total number of votes in the company thereafter totals 595,873,781.

The total number of registered shares in the company amounts to 419,903,072, of which 19,552,301 are Class A shares and 400,350,771 are Class B shares.


This is information that Skanska AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the Senior Vice President Investor Relations set out below, at 07:30 am CET on November 29, 2024.


Datum 2024-11-29, kl 07:30
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