Bulletin from extraordinary General meeting in Senzime AB (publ)


The extraordinary general meeting in Senzime AB (publ), corp. reg. no 556565-5734 (the “Company”) was held on 20 September 2023, whereby the shareholders primarily resolved on the following matter.

Resolution on the approval of the board of directors’ resolution on a directed share issue

In accordance with previously published information, the board of directors resolved 24 August 2023 on a directed issue of shares, subject to the subsequent approval of the extraordinary general meeting. The general meeting resolved today to approve the board of directors’ resolution on a directed issue of a maximum of 1,137,500 shares. The right to subscribe for new shares shall, with deviation from the shareholders pre-emption rights, belong to Adam Dahlberg.

The Company’s share capital will increase by a maximum of SEK 142,187.50 through a directed issue of a maximum of 1,137,500 shares. The subscription prices for the shares in the new issue is SEK 4.50 per new share. Subscription with subscription rights shall be made by cash payment not later than 21 September 2023.

Resolution on introducing incentive program 2023/2027

The extra general meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal of the board of directors, to introduce employee stock option program 2023/2027 through a directed issue of a maximum of 1,100,000 warrants to the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, MD Biomedical AB. 1,000,000 warrants can be allocated to participants in the program and the remaining 100,000 warrants can be used to cover cash flow effects from potential social security costs arising from the employee stock option program.

The warrants shall be vested over a three-year period and can be exercised during the period from 1 October 2026 to 1 October 2027. Assuming that the stated goals are fulfilled, each warrant entitles the holder to acquire one (1) new share in the Company at a price corresponding to 125 percent of the average volume-weighted share price of the Company’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period of ten (10) trading days preceding todays shareholders’ meeting. The increase in the Company's share capital may amount to a maximum of 137,500 SEK upon full exercise of the options. Further details regarding the program can be found in the notice of the general meeting and in the minutes that will be published on the Company's website.

Datum 2023-09-20, kl 19:00
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