SenzaGen receives a follow-up order worth 1.5 million SEK for GARD®skin for the chemical industry

SenzaGen has received a follow-up order worth 1.5 million SEK from a globally leading chemical company. The assignment includes testing with SenzaGen’s innovative non-animal skin sensitization test method, GARD®skin, covering both pure chemicals and complex formulations. Testing will commence immediately and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2024.

The customer has a global presence with its headquarters located in Europe. The new order is a result of a successful evaluation of GARD®skin during 2022–2023 and is associated with one of the company's research and development projects. With the testing, the company aims to investigate whether new product candidates could potentially cause skin allergies.

“Close customer relationships with major multinational companies are a cornerstone of our growth and innovation strategy. This success is evident in the fact that, following a successful evaluation of GARD®skin, the customer has now returned with a larger and more significant order. This follow-up order not only confirms the reliability and performance of the technology in the risk assessment of chemicals but also highlights that the method can handle complex mixtures, which is often challenging in traditional testing. In this area, we create entirely unique value for the customer”, says Peter Nählstedt, President and CEO of SenzaGen.

The GARD® platform determines whether chemicals can cause allergies and targets companies looking to increase the accuracy of their test results and ensure product safety while avoiding animal studies. The unique platform combines genomic data from human cells with machine learning, making the method more efficient and accurate than both traditional animal-based methods and other non-animal methods methods for this type of complex chemicals.

SenzaGen looks forward to working closely with the customer to ensure reliable results and contribute to safer and more ethical products in the chemical industry market.

Datum 2024-01-10, kl 08:30
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