SEB's results for the third quarter 2024


SEB’s operating profit for the third quarter 2024 amounted to SEK 11.8bn, with a return on equity of 17.0 per cent, a CET1 capital ratio of 19.4 per cent, and a capital buffer of 470 basis points.

“Our diversified business model enabled a robust result in a falling interest rate environment, supported by strong net commission and net financial income. Net profit was stable compared with the previous quarter. It is also pleasing to see that we have a continuously strong capital position and overall robust asset quality,” says SEB’s President and CEO Johan Torgeby

SEB reiterates the underlying full-year 2024 cost target. The consolidation of the recently acquired corporate payments provider AirPlus is estimated to impact full-year operating expenses, resulting in an updated cost target for 2024 of below or equal to SEK 31 bn. 

“By joining forces, SEB Kort and AirPlus are well placed for the future corporate payments market,” says SEB’s President and CEO Johan Torgeby.

Income statement
Q3  Q2  Q3  Jan-Sep  Full-year
SEK m 2024 2024  2023 2024 2023 2023
Total operating income 20,908 20,312 3 20,979 -0 61,901 60,057 3 80,193
Total operating expenses 7,718 7,383 5 6,905 12 22,260 20,319 10 27,449
Net expected credit losses 393 44 -17 509 298 71 962
Imposed levies 979 1,046 -6 1,108 -12 3,158 2,744 15 3,819
Operating profit 11,818 11,840 -0 12,983 -9 35,974 36,696 -2 47,963
NET PROFIT 9,454 9,416 0 10,581 -11 28,373 29,742 -5 38,116
Return on equity, % 17.0 17.6 19.8 17.2 18.9 17.9
Basic earnings per share, SEK 4.63 4.58 5.07 13.80 14.17 18.20

This disclosure contains information that SEB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 24-10-2024 07:00 CET.

Datum 2024-10-24, kl 07:00
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