SEB's Annual General Meeting 2024


Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB has today, 19 March 2024, held its Annual General Meeting.

At the AGM, Marcus Wallenberg, Jacob Aarup-Andersen, Signhild Arnegård Hansen, Anne-Catherine Berner, John Flint, Winnie Fok, Svein Tore Holsether, Sven Nyman, Lars Ottersgård, Helena Saxon and Johan Torgeby were re-elected as Directors of the Board. The AGM re-elected Marcus Wallenberg as Chair of the Board. The AGM discharged the Directors, Deputy Directors and the President from liability.

The AGM approved the Board of Directors' proposal for an ordinary dividend of SEK 8.50 and an extra dividend of SEK 3.00 per A-share and C-share and 21 March 2024 as record date for the dividend.

The Board's fee was determined in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal to be distributed as follows: SEK 3,775,000 to the Chair of the Board, SEK 1,190,000 to the Vice Chair and SEK 925,000 each to other members who are not employees of the bank.

In addition, the committee fee was determined to be distributed as follows: The Risk and Capital Committee: SEK 820,000 to the Chair and SEK 510,000 to another member; Audit and Compliance Committee: SEK 540,000 to the Chair and SEK 340,000 to another member; and the Remuneration and Human Resources Committee: SEK 450,000 to the Chair and SEK 225,000 to another member.

The AGM approved the Board of Directors' Remuneration Report 2023, and proposal on Guidelines for salary and other remuneration for the President and members of the Group Executive Committee 2024.

The AGM approved the Board of Directors' proposal concerning one profit sharing programme for all employees except the Group Executive Committee, SEB All Employee Programme 2024; one SEB Share Deferral Programme 2024, comprising approximately 1,000 senior managers and key employees; and one SEB Restricted Share Programme 2024, comprising approximately 1,000 employees in certain business units.

The AGM approved the Board of Directors' proposal concerning the acquisition and sale of the Bank's own shares for the securities business, as well as proposal concerning authorization to the Board of Directors to acquire and sell the Bank's own shares for the long-term equity programmes, for capital purposes and for the issuance of convertibles. Furthermore, the AGM approved the Board of Directors' proposal for a reduction of the share capital with redemption of shares and bonus issue.

The AGM approved the Nomination Committee's proposal to elect Ernst & Young AB as auditor. Main responsible will be the authorised public accountant Hamish Mabon.

The decisions can be read in full at

Datum 2024-03-19, kl 16:10
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