SaveLend Group AB appoints Jenny Gabrielsson as new CFO


SaveLend Group AB ("SaveLend Group") has recruited Jenny Gabrielsson as Chief Financial Officer. Jenny will assume her position on February 16, 2024, succeeding Jonas Ahlberg, who will continue in his role as Deputy CEO.

Currently serving as CFO of ClimateView AB, Jenny Gabrielsson previously held the same position at the security company Detectify, and spent nearly a decade at DNB Bank in various senior leadership roles, including CFO and Chief Operating Officer for Northern Europe. Beginning her career as an auditor at PWC, Jenny has extensive experience in auditing, accounting, treasury, and finance. She possesses clear leadership qualities and strong competencies in strategic planning.

“I am truly looking forward to being a part of SaveLend Group's ongoing growth journey and to enhance the range of alternative savings products with high returns in the capital market, presented in a simple and modern format,” says Jenny Gabrielsson.

“Jenny's background, spanning both startups and major banks, fits us perfectly. We have ambitious growth plans, and Jenny's strategic abilities and results-oriented approach will be crucial for SaveLend Group's continued profitable growth journey.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to Jonas Ahlberg for his significant work in structuring the financial organization, including acquisitions and financing, during his tenure as CFO. With Jenny's recruitment, we can allocate more time to better utilize Jonas's expertise in corporate development and organizational governance,” says Ludwig Pettersson, CEO of SaveLend Group.

Jenny Gabrielsson will join the executive team by February 16, 2024, at the latest.

Datum 2023-12-13, kl 08:30
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