Sandvik acquires CAM post processing software developer Postability

Sandvik has acquired Postability, a Canadian-based global software firm developing NC (numerical control) post processors for Mastercam. Postability's offering will complement and strengthen Sandvik's existing portfolio of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) solutions. Postability will be a part of business unit Mastercam and be reported within business area segment Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions.

Postability's software solution includes CAM post processing, machine simulation and maintenance, enabling customers to improve and validate their component design. Post processing is a key step in the component manufacturing process where generic CAM system output is converted to machine specific NC-code. Postability is a post processor provider fully dedicated to Mastercam software, serving both small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SME's), as well as original equipment manufacturers (OEM's) world-wide. Mastercam is a leading provider of CAD/CAM software solutions for manufacturing industries.

"The acquisition of Postability fits very well with our strategic focus to grow in the digital manufacturing space, and is an important complement to our CAM solutions offering. Post processing plays a vital role in the CAM process, enabling new and innovative solutions in the automated design for manufacturing", says Stefan Widing, President and CEO of Sandvik.

Postability was founded in 2008, and is headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. In 2022, the company had revenues of approximately SEK 30 million (CAD 4.1 million). The impact on Sandvik's EBITA margin and earnings per share will be limited. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Stockholm, August 1, 2023

Sandvik AB

For further information, contact Louise Tjeder, VP Investor relations, phone: +46 (0) 70782 6374 or Johannes Hellström, Press and Media Relations Manager, phone: +46 (0) 70721 1008.

Datum 2023-08-01, kl 15:00
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