• Rental revenue increased 16% to SEK 4,994 M (SEK 4,293 M in the year-earlier period).
  • Profit from property management attributable to Parent Company’s shareholders increased 11% to SEK 4,296 M (3,881).
  • Profit from property management per Class A and B share after dilution amounted to SEK 11.95 (11.16).
  • Changes in the value of properties had an impact on profit of SEK 558 M (−2,517).
  • Changes in value of financial instruments had an impact on profit of SEK 1,104 M (–1,235).
  • Profit after tax for the year attributable to Parent Company’s shareholders was SEK 5,255 M (–13).
  • Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital amounted to SEK 3,586 M (3,485), corresponding to SEK 9.85 (9.94) per Class A and B share after dilution.
  • Net investments in properties amounted to SEK 6,683 M (5,913), of which property acquisitions accounted for SEK 5,698 M (5,088).
  • The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend per Class A and B share be raised to SEK 3.50 (3.10). The Board also proposes a dividend of SEK 2.00 (2.00) per Class D share through a quarterly payment of SEK 0.50. The dividend proposal is in accordance with the company’s dividend policy.


  • Rental revenue increased 16% to SEK 1,315 M (SEK 1,133 M in the year-earlier period).
  • Profit from property management attributable to Parent Company’s shareholders increased 19% to SEK 1,079 M (909).
  • Profit from property management per Class A and B share after dilution amounted to SEK 3.00 (2.52).
  • Changes in the value of properties had an impact on profit of SEK 101 M (−837).
  • Changes in value of financial instruments had an impact on profit of SEK 29 M (–501).
  • Profit after tax for the period attributable to Parent Company’s shareholders was SEK 999 M (–433).
  • Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital amounted to SEK 882 M (778), corresponding to SEK 2.42 (2.13) per Class A and B share after dilution.
  • Net investments in properties amounted to SEK 841 M (2,188), of which property acquisitions accounted for SEK 611 M (1,852).


Profit from property management for 2025 attributable to Parent Company’s shareholders, meaning profit before revaluations and tax, based on the current property portfolio, announced acquisitions and divestments and current exchange rates, is expected to amount to SEK 4,400 M.

Datum 2025-02-21, kl 08:00
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