Sagax has acquired 4 properties through 4 separate transactions for the equivalent of SEK 420 million. The properties comprise a lettable area of 23,400 square metres and 42,000 square metres of land, of which 4,200 square metres are held with site leasehold title. The annual rental income amounts to the equivalent of SEK 29 million. The occupancy rate is 96% and the average remaining lease term is 3.8 years.

Closing for the equivalent of SEK 289 million has taken place. Closing for the remaining SEK 131 million is expected to take place during the first quarter of 2025. The acquisitions will be reported in Sagax’s segments Benelux (SEK 218 million), France (SEK 131 million) and Spain (SEK 71 million).

Datum 2025-02-17, kl 08:30
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